Friday, December 28, 2007

Cleaning Up, Right Away

Written By: Patti

I find, if I let myself walk away from a mess I have created - it's so much harder to go back to that mess later and clean it up.

When working in the kitchen, clean up as you go. Don't let the dishes stack up... do them right away!

Oh, and the dreaded laundry. I find that easiest to walk away from. My friend, Katie and I were recently talking about this very thing. She had let the laundry stack up so high - she ended up taking it to the laundry mat and paying them to wash it, dry it, fold it and hang it. All she needed to do was pick it up and put it away when it was done.

Weekly Challenge: Try to pick up your mess as soon as it is there. Don't let it sit.

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