Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Do you want to do a few things to get a little more organized but don't know where to start? Sometimes it's the little things that can make all the difference. In your linen closet (or wherever you store your sheets) try putting sets of sheets in one of the pillow cases. This will eliminate losing pillow cases. You can see which set you are wanting based on the pillow case they are in. They will stack neatly and won't fall out of the closet on your head, as mine tend to do. And you don't have to worry about them getting all mixed up and unfolded as people dig in the closet. You can also pick one day a week and clean out all the unnecessary papers laying around on counter tops and tables. I am so guilty of coming in and throwing junk mail on the counters and just leaving it there. I take 5 minutes on the weekends and clean it all off though. I am often amazed at how much better that simple act can make my house look. Another thing you can do is make your clean up fun! Turn on some music. Dance around and sing along. Helps the time fly by! Just dont turn on the tv. It's too distracting. I find myself too tempted to watch what's on. Don't answer the phone unless of course it is your hubby! You gotta talk to him! But then when friends stop by, tell them you are cleaning. They are more than welcome to stay and visit as long as they are allowing you to work. Or they are more than welcome to assist you! Also open your windows and curtains or blinds. The fresh air and sunshine will give you added energy and make the day more fun for you! Make a list of what you definitely want to get done. Do your best to stick to the list! Throw things out! If they are possibly usable to another person donate them or have a garage sale! Get the family involved. The chores will go faster and then you can all enjoy some relaxing time together. My family has always had a large family yard sale every year. Our reward for all the cleaning out, decluttering, and then yard selling is going out to a nice dinner together. We spend some of our profits from the sale on dinner and just relax and laugh. It's a great way to end all that work! Have fun and get organized!!!

Written By: Kim

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